If you are in a position to help people get through change successfully, this post is for you…

Understanding people’s work styles and preferences is crucial for effectively coaching them through change. By appreciating their natural tendencies, you can tailor your communication in a way that avoids stressors and amplifies motivators. This approach not only enhances engagement but also fosters a smoother transition during times of change. It’s about recognizing that each individual responds differently and requires a unique strategy to feel understood and supported.

Tailoring Communication with Everything DiSC

One powerful tool to facilitate this understanding is the Everything DiSC framework. Everything DiSC is a behavioral assessment that categorizes individuals into four primary styles: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness. Each style has distinct characteristics, preferences, and stressors, and understanding these can significantly enhance communication, especially during periods of change.

Dominance (D): Speaking to the Results-Driven

Individuals with a Dominance style are direct, results-oriented, and enjoy challenges. They value efficiency and achieving goals quickly. When coaching someone with a high Dominance style through change, focus on the outcomes and benefits. Avoid dwelling on the process or minutiae, which can be seen as unnecessary distractions. Instead, frame the change in terms of how it will lead to improved results or competitive advantages.

Example: “Implementing this new system will streamline our workflow, allowing us to outperform our competitors and increase our market share.”

Influence (i): Engaging the Enthusiastic

Those with an Influence style are social, enthusiastic, and thrive on interaction. They are motivated by recognition and enjoy collaborative environments. When communicating change to someone with a high Influence style, emphasize the positive impact on team dynamics and the opportunities for creativity and collaboration. Avoid overly detailed and monotonous explanations that can dampen their enthusiasm.

Example: “This change will open up new opportunities for us to collaborate more creatively and bring innovative ideas to the table, making our work even more exciting.”

Steadiness (S): Supporting the Reliable

Individuals with a Steadiness style are calm, dependable, and prefer stability and harmony. They value support and are often uncomfortable with rapid change. When coaching someone with a high Steadiness style, provide reassurance and emphasize the support systems in place. Highlight the gradual nature of the change and the consistency it will bring in the long term. Avoid abrupt changes or high-pressure scenarios that can cause undue stress.

Example: “We understand that this is a big change, but we’re committed to supporting you every step of the way. We’ll implement this gradually to ensure you feel comfortable and supported throughout the transition.”

Conscientiousness (C): Appealing to the Analytical

Those with a Conscientiousness style are detail-oriented, analytical, and value accuracy and expertise. They prefer thorough explanations and clear expectations. When communicating change to someone with a high Conscientiousness style, provide detailed information and rationale behind the change. Avoid vague statements and ensure that all questions are answered comprehensively.

Example: “Here’s a detailed breakdown of why we’re making this change and the data supporting it. This will improve our processes by increasing accuracy and reducing errors.”

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