I had a blast facilitating ‘The 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team’ workshop recently. I worked with a lively group of sales people who are committed to improving how each person contributes to building trust in the team.

According to Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, having trust in a team means admitting mistakes, being open about weaknesses, and asking for help. Building trust in a team also requires tea members to be vulnerable with one another. However, being vulnerable at work can be difficult. Some of the reasons this is difficult are the fear of disapproval, not wanting to be a burden, fearing the loss of control, or not wanting to appear incompetent. Can you relate to any of these fears?

Just having an honest discussion about what holds us back from building vulnerability-based trust with our teammates increases trust in the team. It doesn’t require a trust-fall or a high-ropes course (although those are fun!). A simple conversation can do the trick.

Would your team benefit from building vulnerability-based trust? Chances are the answer is ‘yes’. With a strong foundation of TRUST, team members can then engage in productive CONFLICT to discover new ideas, even if they counter “how things have always been done”. Once team members feel that they’ve been heard, they are more inclined to have COMMITMENT to the decisions made by the team. Over time, team members will more comfortable holding one another ACCOUNTABLE to those commitments without relying on the leader. Then the team can focus on achieving RESULTS.

Contact us to schedule a consult to see whether ‘The 5 Behaviors of a Cohesive Team’ is right for you.

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