During transitions, like stepping into a new role, accepting a promotion, or embarking on a new educational journey, it’s quite normal to experience feelings of self-doubt or inadequacy. If you’ve ever experienced this, you’re not alone.

Many people experience imposter syndrome. It often happens when they’re taking on new responsibilities at work or venturing into unfamiliar territories. Everyone, even accomplished individuals, experience moment s of self-doubt. My coach, who is a multi-millionaire, shared that he sometimes has doubts and makes mistakes.

Having a moment of doubt does not define who you are. These feelings are not an absolute reflection of your abilities or worth but rather, a temporary perception.

What can we do about it?

First, ask yourself what is it that is causing this feeling. Is it a lack of knowledge? Is it that you don’t have the right skills or enough experience? Are those thoughts even REAL? Challenge the beliefs that limit you! Most of them are reversible.

A common trigger of Imposter Syndrome is comparing ourselves to others. Remember that everyone is on their own path. Just as we succeed in our own ways, we also stumble in our own ways. Instead of comparison, look to others for inspiration and evidence of what can be accomplished. What can you learn from others who are accomplishing things YOU want to accomplish? What are they doing that you could emulate to get closer to where you want to be?

Now, let’s talk about overcoming imposter syndrome.

Once you are aware of what’s happening, you can beat it. One strategy is to seek out a coach or mentor who can guide you through these moments. Asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness. It’s a sign that you have self-awareness and have the confidence to ask for guidance.  

Here’s another strategy…

Bring to mind examples of times when you WERE capable, smart enough, and had positive outcomes. Reflect on situations that were challenging for you, but that you overcame. What tasks were difficult that you completed? Or even did better than you thought you would?

Consider your accomplishments. Reflect on times when you have overcome limitations, even if the outcome didn’t fully meet your expectations. Those are signs of growth and resilience. We all have things that don’t go as expected. But it’s only a “failure”, or a waste of time if we don’t learn something from it.

If you are growing and putting yourself in new situations, imposter feelings might resurface.  But you can rewire your brain to focus on strategies to overcome challenges, rather than focusing on what you lack.

Imposter syndrome is a part of the journey, not the end. Embrace it as a sign of growth and an opportunity to learn and become stronger.

As you’re practicing these new ways of thinking, be patient with yourself and celebrate your progress along the way.

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