What’s missing in feedback conversations?
When people receive meaningful feedback, they have the opportunity to grow, leverage strengths and discover [...]
3 Reasons Training Fails
When you invest in training, why not take the extra steps to make sure you [...]
Engaging Learners in a Virtual Setting
Whether you are developing virtual training from scratch or converting classroom training to be delivered [...]
The Answer Isn’t Always Training
“We need training.” This statement is a common knee-jerk reaction to address things like employee [...]
Can you really teach soft skills virtually?
The short answer is YES! A skilled facilitator can be effective at teaching soft skills [...]
3 Reasons Virtual Training Beats Online Learning
While they both have advantages, here are 3 primary reasons people enjoy virtual training over [...]
Handle Stress Better Now
How is your team handling the stress of the coronavirus pandemic? Much like children look [...]
Manager Training – what to include?
I recently wrapped up a 9-month Manager Training program for a client in the manufacturing [...]
5 Tips for Planning and Prioritizing
Here are 5 tips from my most popular workshop, “Planning & Prioritizing”: Schedule time for [...]