3 Reasons Virtual Training Beats Online Learning

While they both have advantages, here are 3 primary reasons people enjoy virtual training over [...]

Handle Stress Better Now

How is your team handling the stress of the coronavirus pandemic? Much like children look [...]

Manager Training – what to include?

I recently wrapped up a 9-month Manager Training program for a client in the manufacturing [...]

5 Tips for Planning and Prioritizing

Here are 5 tips from my most popular workshop, “Planning & Prioritizing”: Schedule time for [...]

Developing Employees from Hire to Exit

“People Systems” Defined.   Ideally, the employee journey is aligned with the company’s vision, mission [...]

Horses teach us about communication and leadership

Horses are herd animals, just like us. They can teach us about communication, leadership and [...]

When NOT to Delegate

Have you ever heard anyone say that leadership is about getting everything done all by [...]

How to Plan Effective Training

Planning For Training Planning for training takes more than pulling information together. Having conversations with [...]

Turning Subject Matter Experts into Expert Trainers

3 Tips for Selecting Trainers It takes more than being a SME (subject matter expert) [...]

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